Event 3: Internet Heritage Site
As a newly-graduated high school senior, I remember hearing the factoid that UCLA was the "birth place of the internet" at the New Student Orientation. I had not thought much more about it until I heard about the Leonard Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site via other students in DESMA 9. The Internet Heritage Site is located at 3420 Boelter Hall where the very first Internet message was sent to Stanford Research Institute on October 29, 1969 (Savio). The message, sent by a graduate student, was the first two letters of the word "login", "lo". Before the student could type the rest of the word, the ARPANET system crashed (Kudler). The ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet, was a huge success because it was able to connect to different hardwares and softwares which previous systems could not accomplish. The sending of the first Internet message was between a Sigma 7 at UCLA and a SDS 940 at Stanford which are two different systems (Kudler). I de...